The Meadows of Valon

Peoni dwells in the enchanted meadows of Valon, where it is forever spring. Valon is an impossibly verdant field of flowers, rich in delicious nectar, able to regenerate themselves overnight. This is the heaven of Peoni's worshipers. Here, in humble but pleasant cottages dwell those who have labored hard in life. Valon lies in Yashain.

Peoni has several servants and countless saints who aid her or intercede on behalf of her adherents. They often have shrines dedicated to them. They are examples of behavior, and their stories are used as parables of virtue, but they are not divine, being viewed as merely mortal men and women who transcended their sinful natures and earned their honored places in the Fields of Valon. Peonian saints have several elements in common. They all performed some act(s) of sacrifice to benefit the deity, the Church, or their fellow man. They were motivated by the desire to do right for its own sake, never for any reward in the mortal plane or in the afterlife.

Peoni's servants are listed below in alphabetical order, as they re known in canon of Perna. There are many regional variations in the names of those saints whose cults are widespread. After the name are listed any special titles, the saint's prominant symbol(s), his or her date of birth (in Tuzyn Reckoning) and place of birth, and his or her feast day in the calendar of the Church. A star (*) indicated a reference elsewhere in the list of saints.

ALDIN THE GOLDEN. Phoenix Rising from Flames. Born 480 BT in Karejia. Seventh Maerme of Galaon. Aldin brought the reforms of the Aerlathos to the remote districts east of the Venarian Sea. In Beshakan he was captured and tormented by Agrikans, who finally burned him alive. Due to his great piety he survived the flames, and the Agrikans fled in terror. Aldin then grew great golden wings and flew to Valon. He is the patron saint of charcoalers.

ALDO. Green Ball. Died 408 TR at Perna, Trierzon. Seventh Tirrala of Diolkgarwch. Aldo is a mysterious, revered figure. He arrived at Perna as a wandering child, no more than a few years old, dressed in only a ragged shirt and carrying only a small, green toy ball. He was taken in and grew to be a young man of great beauty and unbounded piety. He worked tirelessly, some say without sleeping, and he performed numerous miracles. Still no more than two decades of age, he was found, lying before the high altar, dead from no apparent blow or illness. He was buried with great grief and reflection. Some believe he was a son of Peoni. Some heretics preached that he was the first of a new visitation of the Aerlathos. He has become a symbol of innocence, hope, loss, and renewal, for many believe he will return again. He is the patron saint of orphans.

ALYS. Musical Pipes. Born 592 BT at Perna, Trierzon. Died 492 at Perna, Trierzon. Sixth Yselde of Adferon. Alys is a problematic figure for most Peonians. She was presnt at Perna during the holiest days, and she is recorded as having been a woman of goodwill and great effort, but her lighthearted view of life distresses many as too flighty. She spent most of her time playing with children, and while all acknowledge the value of this, her lack of interest in much else gives many the impression that she was shallow. She maintained her playful, even satitirical ways up until her death at a very old age. She has been adopted as a patron saint by thespians.

ARSLESA, martyr. Clay Pot or Urn. Born 544 BT in Azeryan. Died 508 BT in Azeryan. First Maerme of Galaon. Arslesa was a skilled potter in central Azeryan, but though she was pious and humble in her daily life, her talent arroused the jealousy of many of her neighbors. They fell upon and killed her, casting her into her own clay works. Some time later, when others came to gather clay to make their own pottery, Arslesa appeared to them . Those involved in her murder fled in t terror and were never seen again. Her spirit told those that remained to gather all the clay they needed. They found it to be of unsurpassed quality, and they thanked her. From this arose the practice of kneeding rich, old clay into new, and many potters claim to have clay descended from that of Arslesa. She is the patron saint of potters.

BALFO. Hanging Cow Hide. Born 173 TR in Trierzon. Died 235 TR in Trierzon. Sixth Maerme of Ffressyaelon. Balfo was a humble, pious man who made his living raising livestock and sharing their products with his neighbors. He was dearly loved by all. He would have remained an unknown saint had not events demanded otherwise. A mission from Perna was tormented by murderous demons, and these pursued the clerics across the land. The priests came upon Balfo with his cattle and begged for help. Balfo draped each priest and himself with a cow hide, and they crouched among the beasts. Coming into the clearing, the demons were frustrated to have lost their prey, but they were hungry and resolved to consume one of the cattle. The priests shook with fear, but Balfo asked if his animals could help him.The aging bull promised to save them and wandered to the front of the herd. The demons killed and devoured the bull, then scattered away to other evil deeds. The priests thanked Balfo and continued on their way. Balfo wept for his lost friend the bull and returned to his labors. Balfo is the patron saint of hideworkers.

BALOR OF THE CAVE, Hermit. Dark Cave Mouth. Born 1200 BT in Trierzon. Died 900 BT in Trierzon. Second Yselde of Tyfon. Balor was mysterious mystic who withdrew into the wilderness to experience fully the fruitful majesty of the goddess. He dwelt within a cave, believed to be an opening to Valon and other worlds beyond Kethira. He lived on the waters of a magic spring. He healed animals that came to him, and they taught him their ways and their languages. He learned the wisdom of the mountains and the forest trees. He sometimes grew wrathful at those who harmed his natural world, and it was this that he needed so many years to master before he was finally able to enter Valon. He is the patron saint of the natural world.

BANE. Raven, Shield. Born 404 BT in Trierzon. Died 316 BT at Perna, Trierzon. Second Belsirase of Tywllon. Bane was a warrior woman, who, impressed by the devotion of the saints of the early Church, had vowed to defend their beliefs with her own life. This unsettled Church leaders. During the Age of Martyrs, Bane rode forth to do battle with those who would hurt the Church and its members. Crazed with bloodlust, she wounded and killed friend and foe alike. The Hapalan came upon her and called upon the goddess for help. Bane was transformed into a raven and borne back to Perna. As her spirit achieved greater peace, Bane returned to her womanUs form and sought the gentle healing of the Peoni for the rst of her days. Bane watches over the Church and is the patron saint of warriors.

BELSIRASIN THE WEEPER, Aerlathos of the North. Unarmed Warrior, White Disc, or Tears. Born 640 BT in Ivinia. First Belsirase of Olfion. Belsirasin is often portrayed as a weeping young warrior without weapons. He is said to shed tears for every lie or deceit told by mortals. Belsirasin is the lord of virtue and truth, perhaps the sternest and least forgiving of Peoni's servants. His wife is Tirrala the Handmaiden of Renewal*. He is the patron saint of northern lands, truth, winter.

BRANT, prophet & martyr. Millstone. Born 212 TR in Trierzon. Died 234 TR in Trierzon. Fifth Tirrala of Ffresyaelon. Brant was a humble prophet in Trierzon in the third century. His words brought peace to many who listened, and he performed numerous miraculous deeds. Taken captive one night by a band of evil wizards, he was tortured to death, finally being ground to death beneath a millstone in one of their vile rituals to attain eternal life at the expense of others. Peoni did not harm these men and women for their acts, but she did withdraw from them her benevolant protection. Frustrated and plagued by myriad minor ailments, these madmen finally took their own lives. The site of the execution of Brant become a place of healing and bounty. Brant is the patron saint of millers.

BRIGID. Silver Cup. Born 800 BT in Trierzon. Died 700 BT in Trierzon. Second Yselde of Lladdon. Brigid was a wise enchantress and devoted servant of the goddess. She dwelt alone but for the occasional visitor seeking to learn from her. She had a magic silver cup, drinking from which provided both the calm and the insight for better thinking. Brigid recorded many of the ChurchUs earliest pre-Aerlathos beliefs, though few of these writings have survived. She is the patron saint of scribes and intellectuals.

CHESLA. Horse, Horseshoe. Born 756 BT in Trierzon. Died 602 BT in Trierzon. Yaelmerke of Kolinon. Chesla was a high-spirited woman who lived in a small village many years ago. She was gifted with a powerful ability to tame and train animals, especially the magnificent horses of her land. She rode with miraculous grace. Some even believed that she could transform herself into a horse. When her village was threatened with starvation, she rode uncountable miles to bring them food. When enemy warriors menaced the land, she rode to bring word to those who could help. Her presence brought fertility to the beasts and even to the land, and she performed numerous healings. Her last act in this life was to give her magic horse to Belsirasin the Weeper* for his journey to Perna. She is the patron saint of horsemen, horses, and ostlers.

CONWAN. Paintbrush, SculptorUs Chisel, Stained Glass Window. Born 97 TR in Palithane. Died 174 TR at Perna, Trierzon. Sixth Maerme of Tyfon. Conwan was a great craftsman, many say the greatest artist ever to know the Church. He was sculptor, painter, carver, and maste of many other arts. His work still stands at Perna and other sites. Some of it is grand and magnificent in its celebration of the goddess, and some is small and humble. All display his unquestioned faith in Peoni. Some attribute miraculous qualities to his creations. He is the patron saint of artists and fine craftsmen.

DAEL. Block of Stone. Born 550 BT in Trierzon. Died 490 BT at Perna. Yaeldyne of Kolinon. Dael was the eldest son of the fourth Hapalan. He traveled to Perna with his mother upon her accession and served her and the Church dutifully for the rest of his life. He raised and large fanily and dedicated it to the Church. He is the patron saint of sons.

DELIN, Martyr. Born 443 BT in Trierzon. Died 418 in Trierzon. Little is known of this humble preacher who was burned alive by Agrikans. It is said that he mastered the fire and brings light to troubled Peonians. He is the patron saint of chandlers.

DIN THE LAWGIVER, Prophet & Martyr. Born 323 TR in Trierzon. Died 364 TR in Azeryan. Second Yselde of Galaon. Scroll. Din was a great codifier of canon law at Perna, and she was also a tireless litigant, working within the developing legal systems of western Lythia, including that of the emerging guilds. She was apprehended by Agrikans while carrying messages to parishes in Azeryan. She was able to prove herself not guilty on a variety of fabricated charges. Ignoring the dangers, however, she chose to remain present at the legal deliberations to speak for those others also unjustly accused. She was soon after accused of religious interference and burnt to death. Some Peonians believe she signifies a more active political role for the Church, while others see this as dangerous. There is some evidence from records ar Perna of another saint who codified canon law in a much earlier period of Church history. Din is the patron saint of justice and oaths.

DWYN. Harp. Born 319 BT in Trierzon. Died 226 BT in Trierzon. Second Tirrala of Tyfon. Dwyn was a simple man, blessed with a near magical voice and ability with music. With his harp, he was able to sing and calm both beasts and people. He could inspire true love and honest strength. His exploits in Trierzon and beyond are the subject of numerous tales, some too bawdy for proper Church use. He is the patron saint of music and musicans.

ELANA. Blooming Flower. Born 800 BT in Trierzon. Died 740 BT in Trierzon. Yaelmerke of Tywllon. Elana dwelt in a small kingdom that was cursed by an evil wizard. Her people had turned to the wizardUs ways or even worshipped him as a god. Darkness, hunger, disease, and fear gripped the land. Niether the sun nor the moon ever rose, and rains never came to the land. Elana prayed daily to the goddess for intercession, and for this she was tormented by the wizard, his eveil servants, and even her own people. She maintained her solitay vigil and finally her the goddess speak of her immanent arrival. Elana traveled from her cottage to a nearby hilltop to greet the goddess or her emissary. The wizard pursued her there and struck her down just as the sun rose for the first time and burned away his evil nature, leaving nothing behind. Flowers bloomed across the hilltop, and ElanaUs grateful people built a shrine to her there. Elana is the patron saint of hope.

ELSBIT THE MOTHER. Spindle. Born 620 BT in Trierzon. Died 500 BT at Perna, Trierzon. Yaelmerke of Cynhaeon. Elsbit was a pious woman at Perna. Some say she was the daughter of Ranal*. She raised many children, marrying four times. She served the temple in even the most humble tasks. She advised the Hapalan. Many of the most ancient structures at Perna are said to have been built by her very hands. Her devostion to the goddess was boundless, and on her death she ascended into Valon, proof of her status as an exemplar of the ideals of the Church. Elsbit is the patron saint of women and the ritual of confirmation and baptism known as Oedolynaech.

ESHAELA, prophet. Three Masonry Stones. Born 457 BT in Shorkyne. Died 356 BT at Harbraen, Shorkyne. Fifth Tirrale of Tywllon. Eshaela was foremost among HarbraenUs* disciples. She was instrumental in spreading his gentle message throughout Shorkyne, and after his death, she constructed the first temple at Harbraen beside his place of martyrdom. From this holy place, she continued to spread his teachings until her death at an old age.

ESA, Prophet. Dove, Tent. Born 278 TR in Azeryan. Died 335 in Azeryan. Second Maerme of Ion. Esa carried the good word of the goddess throughout southern Azeryan. She accumulated numerous followers and founded many communities of pious believers. Her famous refrain was RThe goddess will provide.S EsaUs blessing brought bounty to many regions. She always had enough for her followers to eat. During a great gathering for worship, people having come for many miles, an earthquake shook and devasated the land. Esa brough forth food, and the people ate. She poured enough water from a single urn to quench the thirst of thousands. She provided shelter for all during the devastating rains that followed. Esa is venerated as an optimist, and she is the patron saint of tentmakers.

FERIN. Stone Tower. Born 107 BT in Azeryan. Died 44 BT in Azeryan. Seventh Maerme of Ffresyaelon. Ferin was a worldly prince in Azeryan. He chose in his later life to abandon the sinful ways of his youth and retired to a small Peonian community in the dry country. A group of Agrikans, seeking power in the region, seized him as a hostage and had him construct his own prison. The Agrikans were driven away, but Ferin chose to remain with his secluded cell, teaching and composing his rule. Ferin is one of the founders of modern monasticism and is the patron saint of masons.

FRIN, hermit & prophet. Bouquet of Flowers. Born 824 BT in Quarphor. Second Tirrale of Galaon. Frin was a hermit in ancient days, a girl who chose to live just outside her turbulant village, enjoying only the bounty of the goddess and the land, gathering flowers, swimming in a holy pool, and living on only honey from a kind hive of bees. She tended to the needs of any who passed her simple cottage. With the passage of time, her village passed from the existance and then from the memory of those in the region. Only Frin remained, and though she grieved for the loss of those whom she loved, she was with the goddess and knew peace. Some believe she still dwells in the wilderness, still eternally youthful in a land of eternal spring, while others think she was eventually taken into Perna. Frin is the patron saint of childhood and third baptism, known as Frinaech in her honor.

GLINDE THE MIDWIFE. Blanket. Born 628 BT in western Trierzon. Died 559 BT at Perna, Trierzon. First Tirrale of Ffresyaelon. Glinde was an Emelan woman, a widow who had lost hope. She left village to follow Tirrala* during her journey to Perna. Glinde was TirralaUs humble servant and laid her blanket upon the exhausted prophet each night. Glinde was present for the miracles at Perna and afterward participated in the founding and reform of the modern church. She was the communityUs midwife and always delighted in the young children. She remarried and founded a family that still claims descendants in the region today. Glinde is the patron saint of conception and watches over those attempting to have children and protects them and their creation from evil spirits.

GWENE, Prophet & Martyr. Scourge. Died 500 BT near Perna, Trierzon. Third Belsirase of Adferon. GweneUs origins are unknown. Some maintain the heretical belief that she was the incarnation of the goddess. She accorded the honor of being the first martyr of the Church during century of more of persecutions known as the Age of Martyrs. She was first seen at dawn one morning in the spring, praying in a nearly completed shrine to the goddess south of Perna. She revealed nothing of herself but spoke of troubled times near at hand. She lived in the shrine, praying alone and with any who came to her. She was never observed to eat or drink or engage in any bodily function. It was quickly concluded that she was sustained only by the strength of her faith in the goddess. She performed numerous miracles: healing those with a ysterious plague, calming angry kings, carrying children from a burning cottage but remaining unhurt herself. A wandering band of Agrikans came upon her, and filld with violence and lust, they fell upon her. But her faith protected her, and they were unable to touch her. Returning the next day, they tore down her shrine about her and laid waste to her enclave with fire. Returning the next day, they found all their destruction repaired and the saint tending her small garden. A small group of pilgrims and priests arrived at this time, and the Agrikans threatened to destroy them all before her eyes. Gwene knelt in prayer, then commanded them, over the distressed cries of her followers, to kill her. Their struck of her head with his axe. He andhis companions were paralyzed by the strength of her faith and fell to their knees in submissive prayer. The pilgrims would have assailed them there, but the voice of Gwene spoke, counseling understanding and sacrifice. Some of the former Agrikans and pilgrims founded a monastic community on the site, venerating their saint. Gwene is the patron saint of faith.

HANUK, Hermit. Pillar of Salt, Salt, White Field. Born 156 TR in Azeryan. Died 272 TR in Azeryan. Third Tirrala of Cynhaeon. Hanuk was a man of great piety and privacy. The people of the surrounding country respected both aspects of the man. They disturbed him rarely, but he always lent whatever aid he could. Many years passed. Hanuk finally achieved a state of such piety that he transformed into salt, and his soul traveled to Valon. This change was discovered by a cattole drover, whose cattle sought the rich, lifegiving salt. The site became a holy place, and the statue remains there. Salt washes down from it. The priests gather this for local use, but the statue is never diminished. Hanuk is the patron saint of salters.

HARBRAEN OF SHORKYNE, prophet & martyr. Grassy Hill. Born 475 BT in Trierzon. Died 425 BT at Harbraen, Shorkyne. First Maerme of Kolinon. The prophet Harbraen founded a mission among the barbarians of Shorkyne around the year 425 BT and taught his followers mch about farming. After performing several miracles, including the raising of a child from the dead, Harbraen recruited several disciples from the tribesmen and from more civilized parts of Lythia. The disciples spread his gentle message throughout the region.

This sudden success came to the attention of a fanatic wandering band of Agrikan priests, led by one Gursyl the Cannibal. He was a man driven by irrational hatreds and religious fervor. Probably due to his fanaticism, Gursyl had had little success at winning converts inthe district and plotted to make an example of the prophet. The Agrikans seized Harbraen from his tiny temple and carried him into the wilderness. There Harbraen suffered hideous tortures for eight days before being allowed to die. Gursyl deposited HarbraenUs mutilated corpse in the center of his village, proclaiming the triumph of Agrik and preached his brutal doctrine to the horrified villagers while standing beside the body. As Gursyl spoke, lush grass grew from the packed earth. This miraculous growth spurred the wrath of the HarbraenUs flock, who attacked Gursyl and his band, driving them from the village.

The grass grew quickly. By the next morning, it had covered HarbraenUs body and a square sixteen feet across. Some who subsequently lay upon the grass were healed of illnesses or otherwise blessed. These events resulted in the village of Harbraen becoming the destination of pilgrims seeking the benefices of HarbraenUs Plot. As the number of pilgrims increased, so did the number of resident priests. Eshaela*, who had been foremost among HarbraenUs disciplines, built a temple fronting HarbraenUs Plot, funding the construction with the generous donations of pilgrims. The village of Harbraen has since grown into a city, the seat of the Peoninan Mepeleh of Shorkyne.

HARIN. Harlequin's Chequer. Born 220 BT at Perna, Trierzon. Died 100 BT at Perna, Trierzon. First Tirrala of Adferon. Some say Harin was born a fool, and others say he was only a simple man. Still others claim he was of great wisdom but chose to cloak himself in simplicity. He is known to have been an advisor to a number of Hapalane during the second century BT. He rarely spoke his counsel, sometimes less than one time in several years, and when he did so, he often spoke in riddles or rhymes. His advice was always penetratingly accurate, even if this was not always realized at the time. He is the patron saint of fools, jesters, and simpletons.

HOS. Bow. Born 1600 BT in Trierzon. Died 1200 BT in Trierzon. Yaeldyne of Cynhaeon. Hos was a great hunter of long ago, and he learned the peaceful ways of the forest and its inhabitants, and he taught these to his people. He knew the simple prayers to guarentee a good hunt and to placate the spirits and beasts of the forest. Hos was always able to provide for his family and community. He is the patron saint of hunters and woodsmen.

KAREN. Distaff. Born 550 BT in Trierzon. Died 490 BT at Perna. Yaelmerke of Ffressyaelon. Dael was the eldest daughter of the fourth Hapalan. She traveled to Perna with her mother upon her accession and served her and the Church dutifully for the rest of her life. She raised and large fanily and dedicated it to the Church. She is the patron saint of daughters.

KUVAN. Buckle. First Tirrala of Lladdon. Kuvan is often portrayed as a divine servant of Maermal, producing the tools and sometimes ideas to properly complete necessary work. His symbol, a buckle, represents holding the Church together through honest, hard work. He is the patron saint of metalsmiths.

LARYN. Crescent Moon, Fish, Ship, Star, Wave. Born 320 BT in Emelrene. Third Belsirase of Ffresyaleon. Laryn was a wise woman who dwelt on the coast. Like all of her people, she tried to make a living from the sea, but instead of trying to overcome it, she strove to make peace with it. There are many tales of her adventures and virtues. She spoke with the waves, winds, and tides. Some stories tell of great riddle contests in which she bargained with them. In return for her simple rites, fish came eagerly to her nets. She learned the ways of wood and ships, and she sailed by both night and day, learning the wisdom of the stars. She even sailed to the sky and as far as the moon. She is said to sail still, guiding those at sea. She is the patron saint of pilots, seamen, and shipwrights.

MAERMAL THE LORD OF LABOR, Aerlathos of the South. Massive Bronze Ox. Born 628 BT in Trierzon. First Belsirase of Kolinon. Maermal is the lord of honest and diligent effort. He is usually portrayed as a massive bronze ox of great tenacity, one who will labor, often without thought of reward, out of duty to family. When his work is disturbed or wrecked, he starts again without anger. His is the patience of the earth. He symbolizes the ability of the common folk to triumph in their simple day to day endeavors. His wife is Yselde the Trothmaker*. Maermal is the patron saint of duty, fortitude, patience, southern lands, summer, temperance.

MANUT. Small Ship. Yaelmerke of Lladdon. Manut is a divine servant of Peoni. He lives on an unknown island in a cottage built of the bones of long dead and forgotten giants and dragons. He spends most of his time on simple crafts and herding his gray-fleeced sheep, but when duty calls, he sets forth in his tiny skiff to ferry the souls of the blessed departed across the sea to Valon. He is thought to once been a ferocious warrior, now blesse dand within the fold of Peoni but denying himself entry into Valon. He is the patron saint of sailors/seamen, fishermen, travelers, and mercantylers/merchants, and in Emelrene and Harn, he is the patron saint of death.

MARE, Martyr. Gray. Born 524 BT in Trierzon. Died 561 in Azeryan. Fifth Maerme of Galaon. Mare was a humble missionary in Azeryan during the Age of Maryrs. She was captured by a band of evil magicians. As they prepared to torture her for their arcane rites, Peoni cast her into an oblivious sleep. Frustrated, the wizards killed her, and she received the peaceful rest of Valon. She watches over Peonians while they sleep.

MELISE. Bowl of Water. Born 609 BT at Perna, Trierzon. Died 594 at Perna, Trierzon. Yaelmerke of Ion. Melise was a girl in the household of Perna, and she had great love for children, especially newborns. She had a special relationship with the goddess and with the greatest saints in the community, comprehending their messages instantly. She moved in a holy light. She attended every birth of a new life, and, based on a divine vision from the goddess, she annointed each newborn with water from the sacred well. She placed a drop above the infantUs genitals (to protect it from sinful and base appetites), upon its belly (to bless and provide for it physical needs), above its hear (to enliven the strength of its character), and upon its brow (to grant it enlightenment and peace). One night, while cradling a little girl born of a humble servant, Melise was confronted by a ravenous demon of death that head penetrated the communityUs sacred enclave. It hungered for the young life, but Melise offered her own in its place, and the demon agreed. While it destroyed her physical form, the saintUs soul was carried to Valon. The community grieved but maintained her simple ritual and prayer, as do all Peonians to this day. Melise is the patron saint of birth, newborns, and the first baptism, known as Melisaech in her honor.

NARE. Simple Tunic or Gown. Born 205 TR in Trierzon. Died 271 TR in Azeryan. Sixth Yselde of Ion. Nare was a simple weaverin the service of an evil king in Trierzon. She knew his pernicious nature, but she remained true to the goddess and prayed for a better future. The king liked her work, and though he beat and threatened her, he did not kill her. He was, however, murderous in other regards. His wars ravaged the land, and he regularly seized many prisoners and slew them. Having destroyed yet another adversary, he returned to his castle with a dozen children, sons and daughters of a royal house, and he planned to execute them the next day. Terrified by this, Nare led them out of the castle into the dark wintry night. The king pursued them, and they fled into the mountains, where he knew the frigid weather would kill them. During the second night, while she and the children huddled freezing in a cave, Nare took her thin shawl and her needle and thread to make something to warm the youngest ones. Miraculously she was able to produce warm clothing for them all from this scrap of cloth, and they survived their passage through the mountains to safety. Nare is the patron saint of clothiers.

NELE, Martyr. Small Skull. Born 601 BT in Triezon. Dies 603 BT in Trierzon. Seventh Belsirase of Tywllon. Nele was an infant girl killed during an attack on her village soon after Maermal had passed through the community. All those dying there are regarded as holy martyrs, but NeleUs story is especially captivating. After the entire area had been ravaged and as the killers sat feasting on stolen food, Nele, barey able to walk or to speak, came out of the ruins of her familyUs home. She chanted the name of the goddess. The leader of the band struck her down and laughed. His companions were sickened by his deed, fell upon and killed him, and scattered, never to be heard from again. The spirit of Nele is believed to watch over infants and to bless the sacrament of second baptism at five days, when a newborn is named, named Neleaech in her honor. Nele is the patron saint of infants and Neleaech.

ORGIN. Tree. Born 336 BT in Shorkyne. Died 260 BT in Shorkyne. Second Belsirase of Glaon. Orgin was a dour but pious man, a woodcutter who labored to provide for his family and village. He often worked far from home and knew many secrets of the forest. Due to his piety, he always had enough wood for those in need. Angered by this, evil spirits came upon him and bound him to a tree, there to hang until he died. Orgin told them that his strength would join with that of the forest, making it even more bountiful. Angered, they slashed his body with their claws. He laughed at the pain, for the goddess had made known to him his reward, and he knew that his wisdom and strength would benefit his people forever. Orgin figures in some tales as an unpleasant old man who is able to trick even the most evil forces. He is the patron saint of timberwrights.

OWIN. Badger. Born 415 BT in Trierzon. Died 303 BT in Trierzon. Second Tirrala of Kolinon. Owin was a hermit living quietly in northern Trierzon. For many decades he had peace and achieved a state of great holiness and reverance. This attracted the attention of a number of evil spirits, who resolved to tempt him into sin. Unable to conquer his purified nature, they turned their wiles and wrath on the humble people living in the area, and Owin could perceive that all would be destroyed. He received a vision from the lady and transformed himself into a great badger. He led his people deep under the mountains, where they overcame demons of darkness and fire and gained several powerful secrets. Emerging again into the surface world, Owin helped the people to re-establish their lives, then returned to his peaceful, eremetical life. He is the patron saint of miners.

RABIN, Martyr. ShepherdUs Crook. Born 388 in Shorkyne. Died 351 in Shorkyne. Seventh Belsirase of Cynhaeon. Rabin was a simple shepherd who heard the word of the goddess and spoke it with clarity to any who would listen. He lived in the remote mountains, but some even sought him there for the wisdom of his words. At last this brought him to the attention of a band of evil Agrikans. They came upoon him and planned to kill and devour his flock first. Rabin came forward, and they laughingly promised to kill him first instead. After executing and skinning him, they turned on the flock but found the impervious beasts impervious to their blows. Though they railed, they were unable to hurt the animals. A vicious storm, of the kind common to the mountains, came down upon them. The Agrikans perished, but the herd miraculously survived. Rabin is often invoked as a guardian of oaths, and he is the patron saint of duty and herdsmen.

RANAL, Prophet. Walking Stick. Born 644 in Trierzon. Died 564 at Perna, Trierzon. Yaeldyne of Diolkgarwch. Ranal was the husband of Alamarel*, and he followed her and the Aerlathos to Perna. He recognized his wifeUs special calling and was honored by her holiness. He raised their boy and girl and participated fully in the development of Perna. His was always the voice of wisdom, kindness, and piety. When his children were grown, he made a series of pilgrimages in the region, counseling princes and bringing peace to many parts of the land. All were awed by his prophetic wisdom and miraculous acts. He was a trusted advisor to his former wife, the Hapalan, and the beloved father of his children. Ranal died peacefully after four score years and was taken into Valon. Ranal is the patron saint of men and the ritual of confirmation and baptism known as Oedolynaech.

RASUMONDE. Fruiting Herb. Born 319 TR in Azeryan. Died 402 in Trierzon. Second Tirrala of Cyhaon. Rasumonde was a pious herbalist who live her entire life in monastic enclaves, codifying the works of earlier masters and teaching her art to many students. She is the patron saint of apothecaries.

ROGIN, Prophet. Bag of Dust. Born 112 TR in Trierzon. Died 185 TR in Trierzon. Fourth Belsirase of Cynhaeon. In Trierzon there once lived a greedy, acquisitive, miserly man named Rogin. He used power, trickery, violence, and false charm to increase his own wealth, preferably at the expense of those around him. He grew to be very rich, but no one benefitted from his wealth, least of him, for he was loath to spend it. One day, while preparing his wagons for a journey, one of his oxen turned and gored him in the belly. Rogin survived, but the wound was severe. He was not expected to live, but he lingered on, pained by a constantly draining wound that would not heal nor let him die. He sent for healers finally, promising them anything if they would end his pain, much less cure the wound itself. Charlatans sought his wealth through potions, words, and mysterious rites, but these did nothing. Wise doctors tended him, but they were mystified by the injury. They did not know that evil demons now surrounded the man, and they planned to carry away his soul when he died, but until then they tormented him. Rogin began to hear their vicious whispers, and he became fearful. Finally an unknown Peonian priestess came to him. He beheld the salvation of Valon over her shoulder and knew that it was beyond his reach. She touched his wound, and he was healed, driving away the demons. He offered her anything she desired in return. She asked for the skull of the bull that had gored him. She touched the skull, and the bull was whole and alive once again. The healer departed riding the bull. Some hold the heretical belief that she was Tirrala*.
Rogin gave away all of his wealth, his lands, and his home. He covered himself with dust, dressed in only a robe and sandals, and departed to wander the lands. He lived by begging, sometimes going hungry or sleeping in the wild. Some people took him into their homes and hearts, and they prospered. Rogin always continued his wandering after a short time. Others tormented him because they were angered by his past deeds or simply out of spite, but they found the bounty of the goddess left them. Some people began to believe that he was saintly, and they gifted him with food, treasures, or even lands on which to live. He divested himself of these as quickly as possible, granting them to local temples, the Church, or most often those in need. He did not benefit from these gifts. Rogin died in his sleep on the side of a trail in Trierzon. It is said that he now smiles as he gazes down on prosperity and happiness brought about by his donations. He is the patron saint of beggars, charity, humility, and travel.

SAFRANSI OF THE SHEAF, Martyr. Sheaf of Wheat. Born 118 TR in Azeryan. Died 138 TR in Azeryan. Second Yselde of Cynhaeon. Sfransi of the Sheaf was boiled alive by Agrikan fanatics rather than renounce her beliefs. Safransi continued to bless her murderers until the moment of her death.

SHALE, Martyr. Lightning Bolt. Born 512 BT in Shorkyne. Died 440 BT in Trierzon. Sixth Tirrale of Tyfon. Shale was a fierce warrior in his youth, but he gave this up to serve the gentle word of the goddess. While traveling in Trierzon, he was confronted by evil demons during a storm. They goaded and tempted him to strike them to rid himself of their malicious presence. Frustrated, they summoned lightning from the tempest and struck him down. Shale watches over those caught in storms.

SHIME. Dark Blue Circle. Born 400 BT in Melderyn. Died 300 BT in Melderyn. Seventh Belsirase of Lladdon. Shime dwelt in Melderyn and may have also been a wizard. He heeded the reforms of Perna and helped to guide other teachers on Harn. He received oracular and soothing dreams from the goddess and could send messages to his followers in their dreams. He is officially thought to have died in his sleep, but some mystics believes he still lives in the world of dreams and can be reached there. Some heretics equate him with the god Siem of the elder peoples. He is the patron saint of dreams.

TARAN, prophet. Thistle. Born 130 BT. Died 60 BT in Trierzon. Taran was a mysterious, wandering prophet. He survived on the goodwill of others and was eternally grateful for their help. In his wanderings he began to return to some areas, and in these places he established a humble cell for his own shelter and for anyone else who needed it. In a few cases these expanded into monastic communities, and in others they became inns and hostels. Some are said to still lie undiscovered in the wilderness. Taran is the patron saint of inns, travel.

TERA THE CRONE, Prophet & Hermit. Coiled, Bent Walking Stick. Born 1000 BT in Shorkyne. Died 800 BT in Shorkyne. Seventh Belsirase of Olfar. Little is known of the early life of Tera. She is said to have had many children, who often did not heed her advice. Having raised her fmily, she dwelt in a small cottage and enjoyed a special, mysterious relationshop with the goddess and the bounty of the land. She always had food when others' crops had failed.
She always knew secret ways of healing and comfort. She chided her descendants for failing to learn from the wisdom of the goddess; they sought her favor but forgot her soon after, returning to their wicked and lazy ways. Though some believe she still lives after so many centuries, she is said to have died peacefully after two hundred years of life and to have journeyed to Valon, leaving signs so that others could more easily follow her. She is the patron saint of old age, death, and last rites, known as Tiraech.

TIRRALA THE HANDMAIDEN OF RENEWAL, Aerlathos of the East. Young Physisican, SurgeonUs Knife, Urn. Born 616 BT in Reksyna. First Belsirase of Ffresyaelon. Tirrala is also called the Foremost of Healers. She is the patron of physicians, many of whom maintain icons or house shrines in her honor. She usually appears as a slim young woman with tired, drawn features. In her right hand she bears a surgeonUs knife, and in her left she carries a small urn. These are the symbols of the Guild of Physicians and can be found displayed outside the premises of many of its members. Her husband is Belsirasin the Weeper*. She is the patron saint of eastern lands, healing, physicians, and spring.

URBRIN. Wagon Wheel. Born 11 BT in Trierzon. Died 84 TR in Trierzon. Second Maerme of Adferon. Urbrin was a gifted woodworker, and he dedicated his life to the Church. He labored first at Perna, and some of his work, both practical and beautiful, can still be seen there. He then jouneyed throughout the land, repairing older shrines and erecting new ones to the glory of the goddess. He taught his art to many, and though his structures, being wooden, were prone to decay, the generations that have followed have lovingly maintained them. Urbrin is the patron saint of woodcrafters.

YSELDE THE TROTHMAKER, Aerlathos of the West. Woman with Basket, Smiling Crone, Suckling Babe, Basket. Born 636 BT in Harn. First Belsirase of Diolkgarwch. Yselde is the mistress of honorable love, particularly between persons of simple birth. She smoothes the difficulties that lovers may marry, and those whose love is unrequited often visit her shrines seeking guidance. Newlyweds pray to her for the blessing of children. She is commonly portrayed as a heavy set woman of middle years, usually carrying a basket or sometimes as a kindly crone or suckling babe. She is very good humored. Her husband is Maermal the Lord of Labor*. Yselde is the patron saint of love, marriage, prudence, western lands.

Patron Saints

Apothecaries: Rasumonde
Artists: Conwan
Baptism (Frinaech): Frin
Baptism (Melisaech): Melise
Baptism (Neleaech): Nele
Baptism (Oedolynaech - men): Ranal
Baptism (Oedolynaech - women): Elsbit
Beggars: Rogin
Birth: Melise
Chandlers: Delin
Charcoalers: Aldin the Golden
Charity: Rogin
Childhood: Frin
Clothiers: Nare
Conception: Glinde
Daughters: Karen
Death: Manut, Tera the Crone
Dreams: Shime
Duty: Maermal, Rabin
Eastern Lands: Tirrala
Faith: Gwene
Fishermen: Manut
Fools: Harin
Fortitude: Maermal
Healing: Tirrala
Herdsmen: Rabin
Hideworkers: Balfo
Hope: Aldo, Elana
Horsemen: Chesla
Horses: Chesla
Humility: Rogin
Hunters: Hos
Infants: Nele
Inns: Taran
Intellectuals: Brigid
Jesters: Harin
Justice: Din the Lawgiver.
Last Rites (Tiraech): Tera the Crone
Love: Yselde
Marriage: Yselde
Masons: Ferin
Men: Ranal
Mercantylers/Merchants: Manut
Metalsmiths: Kuvan
Midwifery: Glinde
Millers: Brant
Miners: Owin
Music: Dwyn
Nature: Balor of the Cave
Newborn Babies: Melise
Northern Lands: Belsirasin
Oaths: Din the Lawgiver, Rabin
Old Age: Tera the Crone
Orphans: Aldo
Ostlers: Chesla
Patience: Maermal
Physicians: Tirrala
Pilots: Laryn
Potters: Arslesa
Prudence: Yselde the Trothmaker
Sailors/Seamen: Laryn, Manut
Salters: Hanuk
Scribes: Brigid
Shipwrights: Laryn
Simpletons: Harin
Sleep: Mare
Sons: Dael
Southern Lands: Maermal
Spring: Tirrala
Storms: Shale
Summer: Maermal
Temperance: Maermal
Tentmakers: Esa
Thespians: Alys
Timberwrights: Orgin
Travel: Manut, Rogin, Taran, Tera the Crone
Truth: Belsirasin
Warriors: Bane
Western Lands: Yselde the Trothmaker
Winter: Belsirasin
Women: Elsbit
Woodcrafters: Urbrin
Woodsmen: Hos

HRT : Peoni
Last updated: 27 February 2001 by Jamie 'Trotsky' Revell