This is an early draft for a text explaining about Save-K'norian court
Aid rulers in ruling well - from the Save-K'norian perspective.
Make the rulers trust the church of Save-K'nor, and especially the advisors.
Make the rulers depend upon the church of Save-K'nor
Be loyal - never betray the lord
Aid him with all knowledge and skill to rule as well as is possible. Avoid
taking chances.
Don't aid the lord in ventures that are destructive in the eyes of the church,
if this can be avoided without compromising the trust of the lord. This might
well imply that the advisor refrain from sharing certain information with
his lord, even though the lord would like to get this information.
Must not have any knowledge about informers, or methods of information gathering
in the courts. They are therefore always members of the order of Hyn-Aelori.
Right mind. Strong will and loyalty to the church. Must be able to gain peoples
confidence - and to keep it for a long time. Those who are considered suitable
by the seniors members of the church of Hyn-Aelori will not inform them,
but will put them on various tests to verify their integrity. Intellect and
judgement. Careful and able to keep the balance. Able to handle stress.
Diplomacy Rhetoric History Mathematics Military strategy Heraldry
Administration Logic Religion Local politics and tradition
Refrain from teaching the advisor about things that must not be spread to
the community at large.
Magnus Lycka, 1996