1st Circle--Junior Acolyte
Access, Blessing of Water, Meditation, Recording
Can access the temple libraries of common knowledge
Petition of Wisdom 5
This spell asks for Save-Knor's insight to bless any single person for any single decision or action requiring intelligence. That person is granted a +1 to their intelligence temporarily, or a +5 ML to any skill (except ritual) requiring intelligence. This spell is often used by priests in themselves before giving speeches or entering debates. This bonus is not cumulative by several prayers, or several priest praying for the same person.
Speed Reading 5
With this ritual, the priest can read books at a rate of 1 page every 10 seconds. (Or 1 page every 5 seconds with a CS.) As a result, a priest can read a 500 page book in about 1 ½ hours. The priest can recall facts from the book with about the same accuracy as one could if carefully reading the text in a normal amount of time.
Candle of Save-Knor 1
With 60 seconds of meditation prior to a session of research, the priest will ask for Save-Knor's blessing upon the session. This causes a flickering glow to appear, similar to a candle flame from a point the priest indicates. This flicker provides a soothing, focusing effect on the priest, who can focus on study for hours at a time, during study the priest can study without the need for sleep, food, or thirst (but at the end all these needs will be present in full)-on the down side is causes the priest to have ½ normal awareness ML. It provide just enough light to read by, and will continue as long as the caster is engaged in serious research. This light is visible to only the priest.
2nd Circle--Senior Acolyte
Greater Access, Blessing, Tutoring, Purification
Can access temple libraries of uncommon knowledge
Tongues 10
The caster can for 5 minutes (15 with a CS) speak or write any one additional tongue fluently. This language may be any language used by an intelligence species, but it cannot be a 'dead' language. With a CS the caster can understand all languages simultaneously, and when he speaks, each listener hears his words in his own tongue.
Lesser cure Max. 20
Cure allows the priest to heal an amount of injury points equal to the number of piety points expended by both the priest and the target of the healing.. If the target also worships Save-Knor, the points healed 1 per piety point spent. If they are of another religion, the number of points healed equals ½ the totals points expended.
Truth sense 10 (GM roll)
Truth sense allows the caster to determine the truth of any statement listened to or read in the space of 5 minutes. (15 minutes with a CS) The truth is relative as far as the speaker or author is aware, only conscious deception will be revealed. When in the face of lies, the priest with feel a throbbing in the back of his head, truth sounds sweet (especially in comparison to the throbbing sensation of lies.) Only an exact statement can be evaluated-a sincere creature can still hold back the truth, so long as every statement he makes is an honest one. A CF causes the exact opposite answer to be received.
Awareness 15
This ritual invocation enhances the recipient's Awareness skill. With a MS the recipient has his ML increased by 50% of his current ML for 5 minutes, and with a CS the ML is doubled for about 15 minutes. This will also grant the recipients powers of deduction of the same amount of time, allowing them to draw 'Sherlock Holmes'-like conclusions that would escape normal people.
True sight 10
This invocation assists the recipient in "seeing-through" illusions, invisibility, apparitions, and mirages by manifesting the magical "aura" emanates from them.. It also allows for the detection of the magical "residue" of recently conjured illusions and the like (how recent varies with the power of the original spell -- the more powerful the spell the longer its "traces" will be detectable). The character's ability to detect illusions and their traces lasts for about 5 minutes with a MS, and about 15 minutes with a CS.
Memory 10
This ritual allows the caster to relieve any event he experienced with perfect clarity. This allows for recall of any details that he may have formally disregarded. That caster spends 10 seconds invoking the ritual, then go into a trance like state for 60 full seconds. During that time, the caster can 're-live' 1 full hours worth of time (1 full day on a CS). The caster can ask questions about the surroundings, etc. but, of course, can not change anything.
3rd Circle--Priest
Access to Mysteries, Graduation, Marriage, Funeral, Birthright, Deathwish, Birth-blessing
Penetrating Light 20
This ritual lasts for 5 minutes with a MS or 15 with a CS. It causes a piercing light to shine forth from the casters who body. This light has a radius of 10 yards, (6 hexes) per circle of the priest. (i.e. a third circle priest would shine up to 30 yards away.) This light will dispel any illusion it falls upon, cause invisible or ethereal creatures to become visible, in effect giving everyone Truesight (listed above). Shapechanger will resume their original form and even discuses will melt away (or at least become temporarily unuseable.) Within the light, magical items will also seem to glow with light of their own, and powerful sources of good or evil will also radiate with yellow or red light (respectively). This will not reveal the exact intentions of a creature, but will reveal immortals, demons, shrines, consecrated ground, etc.
Confusion 20
This ritual invocation creates confusion and disorientation in either an individual (MS) or over an area (CS) with a diameter in yards equal to the number of Piety Points expended for a period of either 15 minutes (with a single individual) or 5 minutes (with two or more creatures). The central point of this zone of confusion can be any location within direct line-of-sight of the invoking character. Those affected by this invocation generally lose all sense of personal volition, and each round:
Targets may roll 4d6 against their intelligence to resist the effects. (5d6 on a CS) A CF causes the caster to be confused (roll 5d6 against intelligence) for 2d6 minutes.
Divination 25 (GM roll)
This allows the priest to make general prophecies. With a MS he has no control over the vision he receives, only the general topic, but gains a glimpse of what is to be. This is not a changeable future, it will always be fulfilled, but the amount of time is not given. With a CS, the priest may examine a possible future-one contingency may be made. In either case, the prophecies tend to be somewhat abstract or riddle-like. For example, a priest may look at his companion and say, 'I see the tip of a sword near thy neck.' (Either he is being attacked or knighted.) With a CS he could ask, what is my companions future, should he travel to Thay: 'I see you lying alone in a grassy meadow.'-this future could be avoided by not traveling to Thay. A CF will cause a incorrect prophecy to be given.
Insight 25 (GM roll)
Provides recipient with unusual insight into a given intellectual problem or puzzle. This invocation can be used to temporarily enhance the recipient's Intelligence. Marginal Success allows for the (correct) answering of one specific question or problem. Critical Success allows for either multiple questions to be answered immediately or for the recipient to experience Insight over a period of days and situations (GM discretion). Critical Failure provides the recipient not only with inaccurate answers or solutions, but also an intense desire to act on and teach them to others when possible (of course, others will probably quickly recognize the character's mistakes and point them out to him).
Discernment 20
This invocation allows the recipient to "read" the thoughts and/or feelings of another person. With a Marginal Success only vague impressions are sensed (accompanied by fleeting images, words, etc.), but with a Critical Success a generally complete understanding of complex thoughts and ideas is possible (given the character understands the language in which the thoughts are being thought). The effects last either 5 minutes (MS) or 15 minutes (CS) and may be directed at 1 individual (MS) or a number of individuals, one at a time (CS).
Loremaster 15 (GM roll)
This invocation endows the recipient with special or hidden knowledge about historical/mythical figures and events. MS allows for a basic understanding of one specific event or figure; whereas a CS allows for a basic understanding of multiple figures and events or an extensive understanding of a single figure or event. CF provides the recipient with false (perhaps dangerously so), but extremely convincing and believable, knowledge. This knowledge is usually "revealed" in images, songs, poems, or recalled stories.
Tim Stanley 1998