The Curriculum Hyn-Aelori
Skill Name Skill Base Sunsign Bonus Alchemy per HM Astrology per HM Composition* Int + Wil + Wil Hir/Sko +1 Geography* Int + Int + Wil Tai/Sko +1 Herblore per HM History* Int + Int + Wil Tai +2 Languages per HM Mathematics per HM Numerology Int + Int + Wil Tai +2, Tar/Ahn +1 Oratory per HM Philosophy Int + Int + Wil Sko +3, Tai/Tar +1 Theology Int + Int + Wil Tai +3, Sko/Tar +1*a new skill, available in Harn only to Hyn-Aelori acolytes and, outside the Temple, a very few of the noble elite; all open to SB1; for descriptions see below.