This is an early draft for a speech held within the order of Shea-Al-Aecor, explaining parts of the goals of the church.
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
We have a great task set before us. We have taken it upon us, to be a pillar of society, and promote stability and order in the world. This is in many ways a cruel and violent world, to a large extent ruled by barbarians who will promote savagery and chaos if they think it will give them more wealth and power. They might wear silk and hermin - but they are still barbarians.
Among more benevolent rulers there is often a lack of competence, and while they might have a good ambition, that is far from being sufficient. The dark, destructive forces must not be underestimated. They are constantly trying to bring chaos to the world, and we must do our utmost to stop them.
Magnus Lycka, 1996