A synthesis of the Kaldoric Succession Crisis, written as if in TR722, with details of all the major players.
The Venerable James Harn Material
A zip file containing Harn material created by The Venerable James.
Tashal: Medrik – SE
Medrik Southeast City Block is located in Tashal.
Baronet’s or ‘little barons’ are those rich knights, typically holding several manors, who can afford to knight all their children, not just the heirs.
Earthmaster Artifacts
[UPDATE 2] A selection of minor psionic artifacts, probably of Earthmaster origin.
Thónia – the End of the World
Keléstia Productions are pleased to announce our second publication of 2018 – Thónia – the End of the World. Continuing our Venârivè Almanac series, this module describes the most remote, isolated and mountainous region of all of Lýthia – the veritable ‘End of the World’. Thónia is also the ‘end of the world’ in another […]