Two page article containing heraldry of sheriffs, bailiffs and constables of Kanday.
Atlas Keléstia – Trzn-B2 Âlwin published
Keléstia Productions are pleased to announce the publication of Atlas Keléstia #47. This issue describes map square B2 (Âlwin) on the Emélrenè map. It is our most complex Atlas Keléstia issue yet – the map index is 50 pages long, and includes data for more than 420 entries.
Bastune House
This large townhouse in Tashal (H3) is a fitting home for the appetites and ambitions of its chief resident, Lady Peresta Bastune.
Tome of Cantrips
Cantrips are simple Shek-Pvar spells of no great effect, learned and used by apprentices.
Ulmstane, on the banks of the Ulmerien River in Chybisa, is home to chapter of the Lady of Paladins fighting order.
Situated on Skeltfjord in the Kingdom of Govyna lies the vathran of Malmor.