Rules for handling non-combat conflict.
Nelafayn Quarry
This article describes a hillside limestone quarry just west of Abriel Abbey in northwest Kaldor near Olokand. (No changes, just re-issued.)
Kaikefrin Manor
A minor unfortified manor in Nelafayn Hundred.
Many Manors 2
This collection contains ten more or less ordinary manors in hilly and mountainous regions.
Atlas Keléstia – TRZN A1 (Máris)
This issue describes map square A1 (Máris) on the Tríerzon regional map, which is an area on the north-central coast of the kingdom of Emélrenè. It is a region of rapidly growing trade centres, including Máris and Panîra, as well as the wilder and more dangerous Ellarýn hills and forest. Tensions are rising between Ilvîran […]
Bestiary: Aquatics
Many additional pages to add to the original CGI beastiary article Aquatics.