An updated offering; Delwyn Hundred expanded with clan descriptions and heraldry, still with the excellent topographical map.
Gargun Sausage
What would a meat sausage created by gargun taste like. Who cares….YUCK!!
Midgaadian Magic
A conversion of Midgaadian Magic for Hârn.
Atlas Keléstia SHKN-B7 (Hâltinan)
Keléstia Productions have published the ninth issue of Atlas Keléstia. It describes map square SHKN-B7 (Hâltinan), located in the southern Sea of Iváe and including an archipelago of small islands.
Clan Sholen
The Sholen clan of the Nolgind tribe are renowned story-tellers and singers.
Cynswyr Ariensyn
A mysterious ring of ancient standing stones.