Keléstia Productions have published the sixth and seventh issues of Atlas Keléstia. Combined they describe map squares SHKN-F7 (Hélegat) and E7 (Tróldblist), an area including all of the island of Hélegat in the Gulf of Shôrkýnè.
Atlas Keléstia – SHKN G7 (Létryn)
Keléstia Productions have published the fifth issue of Atlas Keléstia. It describes map square SHKN-G7 (Létryn), an area located in northern Loála on the central Shôrkýni coast.
Atlas Keléstia SHKN-J6 (Tîrghavn) Published
Keléstia Productions have published the fourth issue of Atlas Keléstia. It describes map square SHKN-J6 (Tîrghavn), the lands at the mouth of the mighty Tîrga River.
Atlas Keléstia SHKN-H7 (Trepûra) Published
Keléstia Productions have published the third issue of Atlas Keléstia. It describes map square SHKN-H7 (Trepûra), a cape located on the central Shôrkýni coast.
Maps: Utherlund
Quadrant H4 of the Ivinia map, a land of mighty fjords, thundering waterfalls and icy peaks.
Atlas Keléstia SHKN-J5 (Ôrgetkin) Published
Keléstia Productions have published the second issue of Atlas Keléstia. It describes map square SHKN-J5 (Ôrgetkin), a mostly wilderness area along the border of eastern Lédenheim and western Huriséa.