HarnCon news: Day -1. The pre-Con con.
Maps: Durgumlund
Map G3 covers Durgumlund in Ivinia.
Published Guildsmen
An Excel spreadsheet of all published (canon and fanon) guildsmen up to October 2009.
Maps: Shata Island
Map J10 covering Shata Island in the Gulf of Ederwyn.
Great Clans of Emélrenè (Free Download)
Emélrenè is the oldest feudal realm in Venârivè (Northwestern Lýthia). The kingdom’s noble houses can trace their ancestry back generations, and claim links to the founder of the realm. Each noble clan also has links to the ‘Free Eméla’ or Émhlè, the Eméla who live a semi-nomadic lifestyle in the wildlands of the kingdom and beyond. […]
Hooks: Are We There Yet?
Construction of a port on Tuleme Island would present many problems.