A small collection of articles related to rats.
Maps: Keron Island
A fine example of a map done in the topographical style, Keron Island is where Balhafen is located.
Peran: Heart of Darkness
This is an adventure/short campaign that starts at Tormau’s White Stoat Inn but quickly takes the characters into the Peran wilderness.
Shôrkýnè Regional Interactive Map released
Keléstia Productions is proud to announce the release of our latest interactive map for the region of Shôrkýnè. This map covers the realms and principalities of Hârbáal, Chélemby, Huriséa and Shôrkýnè, as well as touching on parts of Emélrenè, Quârphor, Lánkor, and Tríerzòn.
The Green Dragon Inn
The Green Dragon is a busy, prosperous inn on the north side of Minarsas.
Kaldor Settlements
A settlement collection: Baseta, Esenor, Fisen, Kyg, Nubeth, Shebra, Sirendel, Uldien, Wybend, and Yael.