The Azeryani Empire first began its incursions into Dalanya in TR 455, though trade with the area had been substantial for at least 70 years. The initial conquests and settlements were small and the indigenous settlement of Vitho was used as a base. This changed in TR 460 when plague from the Azeryani homeland was introduced by the Azeryani Legions and subsequently ran rampant through the local population. The Azeryani were only minorly hit, as most of the Azeryani population had been previously exposed to thisparticular disease and had some resistance, but the Dalanyans were devastated. Realizing the strength of its position relative to the greatly weakened native population, the small Azeryani forces in Vitho embarked on a campaign to subjugate the entire area. By TR 474 all of Dalanya and Menema were in Azeryani hands.
In TR 485 the Empire established a naval base and shipyard of Kolvis on the island of Menema. This was largely a response to the new presence of Ivinian pirates, working out of Hegovnis in Korlua. Kolvis has a superb harbor and is well sheltered from the prevailing winds and was ideally suited to this task. The local Baltazhim population was essentially extinct, legacy of the plague a generation before.
In TR 488 the Trierzi revolt in Zonara (Trierzon) displaced many loyal Azeryani who fled the area. A substantial number moved directly south to Menema and Vitho, adding a large civilian component to the population of Kolvis.
In 491 Mt. Veramel, in the islands to the southeast of Menema, erupted spectacularly. Most of the navy in the Kolvis shipyards was destroyed at anchor by the resulting tidal wave and much of Kolvis was lost as well. The ashfall was felt as far as central Hepekeria were the Daoudim attributed this to the death of Ziryab the Elder. The local Azeryani mostly attributed the eruption to Agrik, though whether it was a result of his wrath or whim was a matter of debate. While the eruption was spectacular, the loss of life was actually quite small.
The Empire's troubles in Zonara continued through this period and in TR 492 the province seceded. Many Azeryani caught in the troubles fled and refugees poured into both Vitho and Kolvis, again adding substantially to the local population. By now the last remnants of the native populations were gone from the islands of Menema and from the area around the city of Vitho.
The reign of Hazura Desmarius (502-524) was a time of unrest in Dalanya and Menema. Hazura introduced many reforms in the military and began a process of reform in many social institutions. While some areas of the empire embraced the change, the conservative population of Dalanya did not. During this time Ziryabism was introduced to the area and, partly as a result of this discontent, it was accepted by some of the Azeryani population. While it never became an important religion with the Azeryani population it did gain a few converts and enjoyed a brief fad of popularity.
When Hazura died in 524, Dalanya immediately united under the governer in Vitho and declared its independence. The newly formed Kingdom of Vitho encompassed all of Dalanya and also the Meneman islands. In the chaos following Hazura's death, the empire had neither the means nor the will to reconquer the territory and it was allowed to remain independent.
In TR 531 the Menglanan clan of Ljatemaal seized the city and port of Kolvis, recognizing its strength as a naval base. Vitho briefly resisted but without the shipyards at Kolvis could not muster the naval strength to retake the island. The Ljatemaals quickly spread their control over all of the Meneman islands and assumed rule of the local Azeryani population. By 535 Vitho had built its own shipyards and constructed a small fleet, which it used to attack Kolvis. The Ljatemaals easily repulsed the attack and immediately counter-attacked, annexing Vithan Baltazhim holdings on the mainland. For the next fourteen years Menema and Vitho fought a bloody war of attrition over control of the Baltazhim and Agrazhim clans in northwest and central Dalanya. Vitho slowly lost ground during the conflict and by the time peace was declared, in 549, Menema controlled the northern half of Dalanya.
For more than 80 years the region remained fairly peaceful and relations between the two kingdoms, Menema and Vitho, were quite stable. The growth of trade with Azeryan and Trierzon helped the region to prosper. During this time Ziryabism spread through the native Baltazhim and Agrazhim populations which slowly lead to greater unrest with their Azeryani and Ivinian overlords. In TR 634 a Ziryabite Ghazi, whose name is not recorded, assassinated Yngvy Toricson, King of Menema. His son, Aage Yngvyson, assumed the kingship and immediately proscribed the worship of Ziryabism. Aage began a period of intense persecution of Ziryabites, handing them over to local temples of Agrik and Morgath for sacrifice and many Ziryabites were martyred over the next several years. Ziryabism among the Azeryani was essentially extinguished and among the Baltazhim it was driven into hiding.
TR 657 marked the beginning of the Great Secession, when the Karejian provinces rebelled against Azeryani rule. Seizing the opportunity presented by this chaos, Aage Yngvyson attempted to annex the city and port of Goris, then held by clan Dareborg of Seldenbaal. The battle took place in Goris harbor, Aage's ships having penned the Seldenbaalers inside. The Menemans nearly succeeded but Aage was killed in the fighting and his troops, demoralized by his death, retired.
In TR 665 an Azeryani sorcerous school, the Warriors of Beyrone, attempted to oust the Dareborgs of Goris and rejoin the Empire. Their attempt failed and the survivors fled to Vitho to establish a new school. Their presence in Vitho substantially altered the balance of Meneman/Vithan power and strained relations.
In 676 the Warriors of Beyrone initiated a new war with Menema, the 2nd Menema/Vitho war. It was a short conflict and Menema gained more territory on the Hepekerian mainland before peace was declared in 678. Menema probably would have fared even better in the conflict but for the earthquake of 677 in Kolvis which caused great destruction and severely hurt the economy.
In 695 the Warriors of Beyrone again provoked war with Menema, the 3rd Menema/Vitho war, but this time Vitho succeeded in regaining previously lost territory. Vithan gains were made early in the conflict which then settled into a slow stalemate fought over small bits of territory. In 702 Xerium began actively harassing Vithan shipping and Vitho was forced to make peace with Menema to deal with this new threat.
Political infighting in the Warriors of Beyrone led to a split in TR 704, and a small group fled to Xerium where they founded the Warriors of Xeros. The Vitho/Xerium naval conflict, nearly settled by 705, was reinitiated and subsequently maintained by these two feuding groups of sorcerers. Peace was not achieved until 712 when Vitho, again at war with Menema, was forced to sue for an end to the hostilities.
In 711 Menema attacked Vitho in an attemptto regain territory lost in the 3rd Menema/Vitho war. Again the initial gains were swift, owing at least partly to Vitho's preoccupation with Xerium, but the conflict quickly settled into a stalemate. Mt. Veramel threatened to erupt in TR 717, which caused widespread unrest among the Baltazhim Ziryabites in Meneman holdings. Worried about internal revolt, Menema sued for peace with Vitho and the conflict finally ended.
Mt. Veramel never did actually erupt, but the three months during which it threatened galvanized the local Ziryabite population. Menema launched another period of Ziryabite persecution and during 718 and 719 no fewer than eight of the faithful arranged to have themselves publicly martyred. By 719 Vithan Ziryabites were sending covert help to the Baltazhim in their struggle against Meneman overlordship. In late 719 the clans in the area around Delket declared their independence from Menema and refused to pay their customary tribute. Other Baltazhim clans organized a diplomatic mission to Isynen where they have petitioned the Warriors of Ahrmiz for support. Reportedly the order is gathering funds, hiring troops, and attempting to provoke the Daoudim into jihad against Menema. Isynen is officially neutral, as is Vitho, but the whether this state of affairs will last remains to be seen.