A set of articles containing unofficial, fan-developed spell lists and descriptions.
A series of location articles for Mineous Forest Hundred in Kanday.
The genealogical trees of the great clans of various Hârnic kingdoms.
Friends, Foes & Followers
A series of NPC descriptions using the HârnMaster rule system.
Thonahexus is a fanzine dedicated to the world of Hârn.
Fethael Hundred in Kaldor is home to Getha, the seat of the Sheriff of Neph. The series encompasses an adventure and supporting location articles.
Plot Hooks
Short adventure ideas for HârnWorld than can be used by a GM anywhere. The article starts with a short piece of fiction and then goes through a set of questions and answers the GM may need to consider.
What-if: Kaldoran Port
What might the consequences be if Kaldor built a port capable of handling ocean-going vessels?