Alchemy, an original work by NRC, adapted by JPM and reformatted by Shane Morales. This archive contains all versions, from the original to the final adaptation. They should be considered houserules because they were never officially published. Also available are alchemical and chymical recipes of Terra.
Tag: alchemy
Downloads From The Past
- Friends, Foes & Followers — Part 13The orcs are coming, the orcs are coming!
- Rat PackA small collection of articles related to rats.
- Ezar’s War15 years of conflict, thousands of soldiers & 4 monarchs dead, all because of one man's ego.
- Nuem CampaignThe Nuem Campaign describes the history and people of the Nuem Valley in Melderyn.
- Charmic ManorThe manor is a moderate sized fief in northern Kaldor located on fertile river land, but all is not well.
- The Lady of PaladinsThe Laranian martial order, The Lady of Paladins, its history, relations with other orders, and the world around them.
- The GentryThe Gentry long to return to the ranks of the nobility.