This 22-page article is intended to supplement the official Araka-Kalai article from Columbia Games, more than doubling the number of areas detailed.
Tag: araka
Downloads From The Past
- Gwaed IslandThe island hides an ancient tragedy.
- Eliten ManorOne of Patrick Nilsson's earliest modules, Eliten Manor is still well worth downloading.
- Sastaz’s Peleahn GrimoireThe grimoire of Sastaz, a Peleahn Shenava. The spells within display his magical aim; survival.
- Leriel MapsAutoCAD maps of the castle, saved as PDF files; high quality.
- Expanding Save-K’norran Ritual ChoicePresents a house rule where Save-K'norran priests can learn the rituals of other dieties, but beware the cost.
- Greatclans of MelderynThe genealogy of each of the seventeen Greatclans of the Kingdom of Melderyn are described.
- Armour & CharactersA collection of various armour combinations and NPC types for use by GMs as a ready reference.