Two convention-style adventures. You will need the Bifyrd-Feron article as well.
Tag: bifyrd
Downloads From The Past
- HârnMaster EnhancedArdron's personalised HârnMaster rules compilation.
- Charmic ManorThe manor is a moderate sized fief in northern Kaldor located on fertile river land, but all is not well.
- Friends, Foes & Followers — Uthriem RoliriA collection of NPCs meant to accompany the recent Uthriem Roliri article from CGI.
- Tuvâra – the Great Southern SavannahUpon a sea of grass… Keléstia Productions are pleased to announce the publication of our second Venârivè Almanac product: Tuvâra – the Great Southern Savannah. The lush savannahs between the Venârian Sea and the Anzelôrian Rainforest are home to some of Kèthîra’s most remarkable fauna. They are also home to the Tuvâra – a race […]
- Firith TownhouseFirith Townhouse, in the Haldana district of Tashal is the residence of Sir Prehil Firith, recently appointed as an alderman of the city, the so-called "Speaker for the Nobility".
- The Warrior’s GraveThe burial place of an ancient Jarin warrior surfaces after heavy rain.
- Anrist PointRemote and mysterious Anrist Point, a fog-enshrouded limestone promontory jutting into the Sea of Ivae.