This 12-page article introduces a dozen new tomes for your Hârnic libraries. It concentrates more on mundane writings, leaving out theological works.
Tag: books
Downloads From The Past
- Kobing KeepKobing is Kaldor's southern-most major settlement and home to the Lord Warden of Oselmarch, Baron Orsin Firith.
- HârnMaster Equipment RecordThe HârnMaster Equipment Record is a blank Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet with several tabs for players to record what their characters have with them.
- Cherafir: An ExpansionA 14pp addition to the City of Cherafir article.
- Temple of Save-K’norThe only temple of the order of Hyn Aerelori in Kaldor.
- Orford & RestomelAn interpretation of these real-life castles for use in HârnWorld.
- Thonahexus 15Make way and give attention! Thonahexus 15 has arrived!
- Tashal Harper: A TownhouseA venerable three-story townhome in Tashal's Kalabin District is the home of Lanas Sosora, the Harpers' Guildmaster for all of Kaldor.