This 12-page article introduces a dozen new tomes for your Hârnic libraries. It concentrates more on mundane writings, leaving out theological works.
Tag: books
Downloads From The Past
- Kaikefrin ManorA minor unfortified manor in Nelafayn Hundred.
- SpellsA collection of spells from official sources.
- Map TexturesThese patterns are made from the official Harn index keys.
- AlchemyAlchemy, an original work by NRC, adapted by JPM and reformatted by Shane Morales. This archive contains all versions, from the original to the final adaptation. They should be considered houserules because they were never officially published. Also available are alchemical and chymical recipes of Terra.
- The Drunken Drake: Esenor #18The Drunken Drake is where men go for "good times".
- Leriel MapsAutoCAD maps of the castle, saved as PDF files; high quality.
- Keep on the BorderlandsThe Keep on the Borderlands is set in Dyriamarch, a region of Melderyn claimed, but not effectively controlled by that kingdom. There is also a letter meant to be handed to the players before the adventure.