Hârnforum email digests are back. Will the good times ever stop?
Tag: digests
Downloads From The Past
- An Introduction to HârnWorldDon't know anything about Hârn, or HârnWorld? This is an introduction and teaser for the setting.
- HarnCharHarnChar is a Java-based command-line application that generates HM3 characters and outputs them in plaintext or PDF format.
- City Catchup for HarnMasterStory generation for PC down-time.
- Thonahexus 12Thonahexus 12, the HarnWorld fanzine, with more adventure ideas, site and tales.
- Hârnic CurrenciesThis article details Hârnic currencies, the operation of Royal Mints, Counterfeiting, Usury, the Lore skill of Numismatics, and 30 rare coins that might turn up in a character's purse.
- Sternis KygMothballed for 600 years, the Quarry of Sternis Kyg lies in the headwaters of the River Shem. What treasures might be found within?
- Odivshe Spells91 unofficial Odivshe spells.