This article provide an alternative to the existing—and quite lethal—rules for disease in HârnMaster.
Tag: disease
Downloads From The Past
- Published GuildsmenAn Excel spreadsheet of all published (canon and fanon) guildsmen up to October 2009.
- Kaldor HundredsA look at the administrative arrangements of the Hundreds of Kaldor.
- Selvos – More BuildingsAlthough Selvos is available from CGI, there is a significant amount of additional information available from the author. This expansion covers more buildings in the town.
- Miller’s GuildAlmost every household bakes their own bread, and the rest need to buy this staple food, and for these people visit the local miller.
- Map KeyThe map key used in CGI-produced maps
- Greatclans of MelderynThe genealogy of each of the seventeen Greatclans of the Kingdom of Melderyn are described.
- DenlundLake Baran, the source of the Baran River, sits atop a plateau 1500' above sea level. What secrets does this cursed plateau hold?