Rules for handling non-combat conflict.
Tag: dramatic conflict
Downloads From The Past
- Medieval CitiesTwo maps of medieval English cities; Exeter and Conwy.
- Greatclans of MelderynThe genealogy of each of the seventeen Greatclans of the Kingdom of Melderyn are described.
- Atlas Keléstia – Trzn-B2 Âlwin publishedKeléstia Productions are pleased to announce the publication of Atlas Keléstia #47. This issue describes map square B2 (Âlwin) on the Emélrenè map. It is our most complex Atlas Keléstia issue yet - the map index is 50 pages long, and includes data for more than 420 entries.
- RavinRavin lies at the center of a region crucial to Kanday'a security.
- TonotTonot in the far north of Kaldor is the last major settlement before the wilderness of Noron's Way.
- Selvos – More BuildingsAlthough Selvos is available from CGI, there is a significant amount of additional information available from the author. This expansion covers more buildings in the town.
- Manor List By KingdomSpreadsheets listing all manors within Hârn kingdoms.