300 years ago the mine complex of Zhakom was taken by a swarm of gargun. Now the old Khuzan roads or the region have become little more than trails through the wilderness.
Tag: Eastern Harn
Downloads From The Past
- 64 Foot Dak — the ‘Lorkin’Linked to Friends, Foes, and Followers — Part 6, the 64 foot dak could be used for any sea-borne adventure.
- Morvrin ErrataA clarification of all things morvrin, the Morgathian undead.
- Sastaz’s Peleahn GrimoireThe grimoire of Sastaz, a Peleahn Shenava. The spells within display his magical aim; survival.
- Manor List By KingdomSpreadsheets listing all manors within Hârn kingdoms.
- Friends, Foes & Followers — Parts 17 & 18This 'double' issue includes 24 characters to be used in any way the GM sees fit; as NPC opponents, helpers or even emergency PCs for that player who turns up unexpectedly.
- NysludNyslud (New Fort) on the southern edge of the Anoth Delta is a seasonal settlement.
- Major Knights of KaldorTwo page article containing heraldry of sheriffs, bailiffs and constables of Kaldor.