Hârnforum email digests are back. Will the good times ever stop?
Tag: email
Downloads From The Past
- GurianGurian is a small hamlet amidst the northern ranges of the Kandian Mineous Forest hundred.
- Clan SholenThe Sholen clan of the Nolgind tribe are renowned story-tellers and singers.
- Comprehensive PricelistsA list of goods and services available on Hârn and their costs.
- The Drunken Drake: Esenor #18The Drunken Drake is where men go for "good times".
- MurelnoMurelno is one of few settlements on the eastern bank of the Eryn River in Kanday.
- The Warrior’s GraveThe burial place of an ancient Jarin warrior surfaces after heavy rain.
- The GentryThe Gentry long to return to the ranks of the nobility.