Performers that could be met on the country roads of Hârn.
Tag: enterntainment
Downloads From The Past
- MedarsinMedarsin, a modest manor held by members of Clan Lasvarn, lies next to the Kald River southeast of Olokand.
- MaerlithMaerlith is a Peonian sanctuary lies in north-western ranges of Mineous Forest hundred, near the ill-famed Douwa Downs.
- Tharda VillaAn adjunct to HārnManor, ThardaVilla allows the GM to develop a villa in the Thardic Republic where a patrician culture dominates.
- Vil AbbeySituated on a remote coast of Melderyn, this Save-K'norran abbey houses an extensive library of rare tomes.
- Mercenaries of HârnWhen you need an armed force quickly, you hire mercenaries. This article describes such companies, their organisation, occupations, fees, and how they might be employed.
- The GentryThe Gentry long to return to the ranks of the nobility.
- Thonahexus 7Issue #7 of Thonahexus, a fanzine dedicated to the world of Hârn.