The secretive Fenlanders live in the Nephen River marshes opposite Kiban.
Tag: fenlanders
Downloads From The Past
- Saint SymaenSaint Symaen is venerated by Chybisans, particularly the townsfolk of Burzyn, as Defender of Burzyn and Patron Saint of Chybisa.
- Odivshe Spells91 unofficial Odivshe spells.
- Hârn Pottage IVThe fourth outing for Harn Pottage, this is the biggest yet. It features 2 mini-adventures and a number of generic locations useable in any role playing game system.
- Friends, Foes & Followers — Parts 17 & 18This 'double' issue includes 24 characters to be used in any way the GM sees fit; as NPC opponents, helpers or even emergency PCs for that player who turns up unexpectedly.
- A Chybisan AlmanacA month-by-month recounting of the activities that occur in the small Kingdom of Chybisa.
- Inns and TemplesInns and Temples: Quivum's Queen Arelora Inn and Kiban's The Silver Way Inn, and the Menekod Temples of Larani and Peoni.
- Ruined AmphitheatreA ruined Sindarin amphitheatre GMs can put wherever needed, complete with many adventure hooks.