Two convention-style adventures. You will need the Bifyrd-Feron article as well.
Tag: Feron
Downloads From The Past
- Gargun SausageWhat would a meat sausage created by gargun taste like. Who cares....YUCK!!
- Maiden of DeyaIviniaCon 2003 adventure set in Rethem; can you do all that is needed to save the Maiden of Deya?
- Nelafayn QuarryThis article describes a hillside limestone quarry just west of Abriel Abbey in northwest Kaldor near Olokand. (No changes, just re-issued.)
- Whyce ChapterhouseWhyce is the primary chapterhouse of the Laranian martial order, The Lady of Paladins.
- Laranian SaintsBeautifully illuminated, the article described Laranian saints and their holy days.
- Thard – River of EmpireThe mighty Thard River flows from Lake Benath to the Hâonic Ocean at Golotha, as it carries the commerce and livelihoods of a great many people.
- Quick Combat with GACThis article is for people who don't want to spend lots of time in battles.