The Mercantyler’s Guild in Olokand was deeply disturbed by reports of attacks at Ovien Ford along the Fur Road. In a private meeting with mercenaries, a plan was hatched…
Tag: Fur Road
Downloads From The Past
- Leriel MapsAutoCAD maps of the castle, saved as PDF files; high quality.
- The Bloody RavenWritten for use with the Khuzan Outpost (qv), this adventure can be situated virtually anywhere.
- Ancestral Debt (adventure series)This is a series of adventures that form a campaign to free Fana of the gargun and advance the cause and fortunes of Clan Curo.
- Vil AbbeySituated on a remote coast of Melderyn, this Save-K'norran abbey houses an extensive library of rare tomes.
- Rings of the TreeUse Fyvrian magic to encourage a tree to grow into a living dwelling.
- HenewesA small hamlet in Kaldor's Nelafayn Hundred.
- City Catchup for HarnMasterStory generation for PC down-time.