High quality, detailed maps of Anfla & Kamace and the other islands separated from Hârn by the Emaba Strait.
Tag: game-aides
Hârn Settlement Generator
The “Harn Settlement Generator” is a java-based application that allows you to generate settlements based on HârnManor and HârnTown.
Comprehensive Pricelists
A list of goods and services available on Hârn and their costs.
Templates: Weather Journal
Blank weather journals in MS Word 2003 format. Each page is presented in half-months broken up into 6 four hour colour coded watches.
Tomes and Scrolls: pp27-38
This 12-page article introduces a dozen new tomes for your Hârnic libraries. It concentrates more on mundane writings, leaving out theological works.
Harn Astrology
The Harnic Astrology program takes a fully functional and richly detailed Earth-based Astrology Program (“SymSolon”) (GNU) and changes the parameters to produce output appropriate for the Harnic Isles and the planet (solar system) of Kethira.