A treatise on gems and jewels by Drovin, a scholar of Dyrisa. The work was published in the late 6th century.
Tag: gems
Downloads From The Past
- Bognor’s FollyBognor's knowledge of green and growing things was legendary, as was his pride. It is said he delved too deeply into secrets best left alone.
- Battlelust Block RulesAn alternative Battlelust system for Hârn using the Block Wars style.
- Map: RidowA map of part of Ridow, the Earthmaster site buried beneath the waves off the southern coastline of Melderyn.
- Orford & RestomelAn interpretation of these real-life castles for use in HârnWorld.
- Hârn PottageHârn Pottage is a collection of many small articles into one module and suitable for use by any GM. It has earned top marks from an RPGnet reviewer.
- Kuseme Spice MerchantA wily fellow from Ivinia, the Kuseme spice merchant owns Nilstromhus in the Moleryn Road, a well known and popular shop.
- Friends, Foes & Followers — Parts 20 & 21This 'double' issue includes 24 characters to be used in any way the GM sees fit; they are linked to the Araka-Kalai Expansion series