A ruined Sindarin amphitheatre GMs can put wherever needed, complete with many adventure hooks.
Tag: hooks
Raldlund – Land of the Majestic Fjords
Raldlund is a wealthy, historically significant region of Menglana along the Oslufjord, located in the southern part of the kingdom. Includes Chapter 1 of The Saga of Gundar Green-Eye.
Around Burzyn
Within a half league of Burzyn are several notable locations. This 12-page article includes history, manor capsules, location details, and adventure hooks, plus three location expansions within Burzyn.
Indama House: A Townhouse in Tashal
Indama House is a three-story townhome on Chidena Street in Tashal’s Haldana District.
House For Sale
This is a mini-adventure and location article, which details a house in the Weavertown district of Tashal Kaldor that is up for sale.
Hooks: Forest Patrol
Patrolling the wilderness surrounding every kingdom on Hârn would present problems.