A treatise on gems and jewels by Drovin, a scholar of Dyrisa. The work was published in the late 6th century.
Tag: jewels
Downloads From The Past
- Thonahexus 15Make way and give attention! Thonahexus 15 has arrived!
- Sea of Ivae – Realm of the RoversSail the frigid seas of Ivae, braving the elements while you explore its many islands across the expanse of the northern ocean. Includes Chapter 2 of The Saga of Gundar Green-Eye.
- Hârn Pottage IVThe fourth outing for Harn Pottage, this is the biggest yet. It features 2 mini-adventures and a number of generic locations useable in any role playing game system.
- Web of the Widow MapsMappa Hârnica versions of Web of the Widow maps.
- Armour & CharactersA collection of various armour combinations and NPC types for use by GMs as a ready reference.
- The Philosophy of PvârismPvârism is a philosophy and practitioners (shèk-pvâr) are akin to medieval alchemists.
- Caldeth TownhouseThe townhouse of the Earl of Vemion, located Tashal, is a companion piece to The Earl's Progress (qv) but could be used anywhere.