A pair of alternate maps in a woodcut style for Kaldor and Melderyn, provided by Patrick Nilsson.
Tag: Kaldor
Thonahexus 14
Thonahexus 14 has arrived and this issue includes contributions from Hârnic authors old and new. We have a good mix of fiction and game resources.
Temple of Save-K’nor
The only temple of the order of Hyn Aerelori in Kaldor.
Sternis Kyg
Mothballed for 600 years, the Quarry of Sternis Kyg lies in the headwaters of the River Shem. What treasures might be found within?
Ancestral Debt (adventure series)
This is a series of adventures that form a campaign to free Fana of the gargun and advance the cause and fortunes of Clan Curo.
Firith Townhouse
Firith Townhouse, in the Haldana district of Tashal is the residence of Sir Prehil Firith, recently appointed as an alderman of the city, the so-called “Speaker for the Nobility”.