A fine example of a map done in the topographical style, Keron Island is where Balhafen is located.
Tag: Kaldor
The Green Dragon Inn
The Green Dragon is a busy, prosperous inn on the north side of Minarsas.
Kaldor Settlements
A settlement collection: Baseta, Esenor, Fisen, Kyg, Nubeth, Shebra, Sirendel, Uldien, Wybend, and Yael.
Labarn Townhouse
Located in the Haldana district of Tashal, Labarn Townhouse is the residence of Lady Irla Labarn, clan matriarch.
Kanday Hundreds
A fan-written supplement showing Kandian subinfeudation in the interactive map.
Kaldor Hundreds
A look at the administrative arrangements of the Hundreds of Kaldor.