The premier issue of Thonahexus, a fanzine dedicated to the world of Hârn.
Tag: Kiraz
Downloads From The Past
- Leriel MapsAutoCAD maps of the castle, saved as PDF files; high quality.
- Kaldoric Feudal PaymentsA spreadsheet that contains a calculation of all feudal payments of all manors in Kaldor.
- NysludNyslud (New Fort) on the southern edge of the Anoth Delta is a seasonal settlement.
- Tales of the Misty IslesA collection of stories about a group of companions.
- IviniaThranAn adjunct to HârnManor™, IviniaThran allows the GM to develop a thran (village) in the lands where the Ivinian culture dominates.
- Tona Valley MapsTwo maps from the Tona Valley in Vemionshire; Narmas Manor and a shepherd's cottage.
- Spells of Kaelyn AlettaFour Odivshe spells created by Kaelyn Aletta (see FFF 15) for her advancement to shenava.