A chapterhouse of the Laranian martial order, The Lady of Paladins, Nebulan’s holy knights are active against the Pagaelin.
Tag: Larani
Whyce Chapterhouse
Whyce is the primary chapterhouse of the Laranian martial order, The Lady of Paladins.
The Lady of Paladins
The Laranian martial order, The Lady of Paladins, its history, relations with other orders, and the world around them.
HRT Archive
The HRT Archive is now at home on Lýthia.com. If you haven’t read these pages before, now you can any time you like.
Hârn Religion Team (HRT)
All material about Hârn and Hârnmaster found on the HRT web pages is copyright 1995-2006 by N. Robin Crossby and the respective authors. Quotations and graphics taken from Columbia Games publications are used by the kind permission of Columbia Games and N. Robin Crossby. NEWS: The HRT is now (officially) defunct. This page now serves […]