Supplementary manor data for all 78 Chybisan manors.
Tag: manor
Fortified Manor
A large, fortified manor house, unnamed and suitable for any medieval fantasy campaign.
Gemela is located on the eastern bank of the Eryn and just opposite Edino Keep
Manor List By Kingdom
Spreadsheets listing all manors within Hârn kingdoms.
Nelafayn Hundred
The Nelafayn Hundred Project is a volunteer web effort to develop fanon for HârnWorld (created by N. Robin Crossby and published by Columbia Games Inc.) Nelafayn’s rich background provides GMs, players and aspiring writers with a great locale that shows Hârn’s best. If you would like to participate, please head on over to the HârnForum […]
Two convention-style adventures. You will need the Bifyrd-Feron article as well.