The genealogy of each of the seventeen Greatclans of the Kingdom of Melderyn are described.
Tag: Melderyn
Gythrun – Melderyn
A beauthifully crafted set of alternative floorplans for Gythrun Castle in the Kingdom of Melderyn has been made available.
Nuem Campaign
The Nuem Campaign describes the history and people of the Nuem Valley in Melderyn.
Delwyn Hundred
An updated offering; Delwyn Hundred expanded with clan descriptions and heraldry, still with the excellent topographical map.
Kaldor Settlements
A settlement collection: Baseta, Esenor, Fisen, Kyg, Nubeth, Shebra, Sirendel, Uldien, Wybend, and Yael.
Glenoth Chantry Expansion
A 6 page expansion to Glenoth.