An extensive treatment of merchant activity, including rules suggestions and floorplans of Halls of the Mangai in Tashal and Thay.
Tag: merchant
Downloads From The Past
- The White Stoat InnThe White Stoat is the best inn Tormau has to offer. Needed for the adventure Peran: Heart of Darkness.
- EmesaEmesa gives its name to the northernmost hundred of Hohnamshire in the Kingdom of Rethem, where temporal power now rests with the Warriors of Mameka.
- Zaurial’s TownhouseA large, luxurious townhouse suitable for use in any campaign.
- Ancestral Debt (adventure series)This is a series of adventures that form a campaign to free Fana of the gargun and advance the cause and fortunes of Clan Curo.
- RejiaA hand-drawn map of Pompeii c.~60AD at the scale of 1mm=10ft.
- Summoning SpellsThis article contains four neutral spells for the summoning, binding, and control of spirits from Yashain.
- Asawne KuboraTribal myth says the tribes that became the Asawne first settled on the banks of the Denia in the time of Nebran.