Establishing a new settlement is a good objective to have for a campaign that seeks to deliver some low-level fantasy roleplaying. There are a lot of problems to overcome before the first settler even arrives; where is a good site, what are the neighbours like, what’s the local water supply and many other challenges. The local flora and fauna (including tribesmen and gargun) can complicate matters, and an Earthmaster ruin in your backyard could spoil your whole day! If you set your campaign in Kaldor, where are the good spots to put the new settlement? Read on for a shire by shire discussion…
Tag: Meselynshire
Two convention-style adventures. You will need the Bifyrd-Feron article as well.
Downloads From The Past
- Greatclans of KaldorThe family history of the greatclans of Kaldor is an essential reference for anyone considering a campaign based there.
- Trierzon Regional ModuleWe've been waiting since 1989 for an official release of the Trierzon Regional Module. Since the split between CGI and NRC in 2003, this has looked even more unlikely than it was in the 1990's, but one shouldn't underestimate the power of the dedicated Hârniac! Conal Smith has poured an amazing amount of time into this stunning document.
- Elven Swan ShipWhat does a Sindarin trading vessel look like? After much research, this one page article attempts to answer that question.
- JafpotMaking a welcome return after a long hiatus is Jonathan Nicholas with a new article in his Labarn series. This manor is the home of the notorious Widow of Jafpot.
- Runemasters of IviniaAmong the Ivinians and men of the north, among the skalds and wyrdsmen, are those able to divine the future and invoke the powers of the ancient runes. They are known as the Runemasters.
- Raldlund – Land of the Majestic FjordsRaldlund is a wealthy, historically significant region of Menglana along the Oslufjord, located in the southern part of the kingdom. Includes Chapter 1 of The Saga of Gundar Green-Eye.
- Major Knights of ChybisaThe achievements of major knights of Chybisa.