Kotyn in Molkura is home to many unfriendly mages.
Tag: Molkura
Downloads From The Past
- EdinoEdino guards a crossing of the Eryn River near Kuseme.
- Bifyrd-FeronTwo convention-style adventures. You will need the Bifyrd-Feron article as well.
- The Warrior’s GraveThe burial place of an ancient Jarin warrior surfaces after heavy rain.
- TreacheryDisputes among clans are not unknown, but when a druid's golden sickle is stolen, something must be done.
- AstrologyA detailed astrology article with historical information and context, as well as an explanation of Astrology specific to Harn and to general astrology.
- HarnMaster Martial ArtsMartial arts for HarnMaster III.
- Elven Swan ShipWhat does a Sindarin trading vessel look like? After much research, this one page article attempts to answer that question.