Spells from the Neutral tome that were left out of the official HârnMaster Magic publication.
Tag: Neutral
Downloads From The Past
- Greatclans of MelderynThe genealogy of each of the seventeen Greatclans of the Kingdom of Melderyn are described.
- The Black CompanyThe Black Company is a Golotha-based mercenary Company of Adventure.
- Thonahexus 10The HarnWorld fanzine Thonahexus returns after 13 years with a grab-bag of goodies for all Harniacs to enjoy!
- Gwaed IslandThe island hides an ancient tragedy.
- Character Sheets & ProfilesThere's another new addition to the page of Character Sheets & Profiles (this one called Retro Ivinian, by Erik Lindenius) so we're publishing this page yet again. There's also a new version of Daniel Petrone's PC Profile Generation package, and after correcting a problem, it's now available for download once more.
- Charmic ManorThe manor is a moderate sized fief in northern Kaldor located on fertile river land, but all is not well.
- GedanLocated in Nelafayn Hundred, the village of Gedan generates income for Abriel Abbey.