Another part of the ongoing NPC series, this is the Thonahexus 6 edition.
Downloads From The Past
- Friends, Foes & Followers — Parts 20 & 21This 'double' issue includes 24 characters to be used in any way the GM sees fit; they are linked to the Araka-Kalai Expansion series
- Bifyrd-FeronTwo convention-style adventures. You will need the Bifyrd-Feron article as well.
- Thonahexus 14Thonahexus 14 has arrived and this issue includes contributions from Hârnic authors old and new. We have a good mix of fiction and game resources.
- HârnMaster Equipment RecordThe HârnMaster Equipment Record is a blank Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet with several tabs for players to record what their characters have with them.
- Hârn Settlement GeneratorThe "Harn Settlement Generator" is a java-based application that allows you to generate settlements based on HârnManor and HârnTown.
- OathnutA new page for your copy of Herblore, the oathnut.
- BalhafenBalhafen, on Keron Island, is an excellent natural harbour that hosted the doomed Ivinan fleet that set out to sack Thay.