Falconry, or hawking, is the sport of training birds of prey to hunt small animals.
Tag: pastimes
Downloads From The Past
- Kathane ManorKathane is the first or last stop between Trobridge and Kaldor.
- Ruined AmphitheatreA ruined Sindarin amphitheatre GMs can put wherever needed, complete with many adventure hooks.
- Future Harn – 722A synthesis of the Kaldoric Succession Crisis, written as if in TR722, with details of all the major players.
- The Black CompanyThe Black Company is a Golotha-based mercenary Company of Adventure.
- Antir KeepAntir, a small seaport on the southern side of Deb Bay in northern Orbaal, will explode into violence when the current valhakar dies.
- Clan SholenThe Sholen clan of the Nolgind tribe are renowned story-tellers and singers.
- The Bastard BailiffThe bastard half brother of the Earl of Neph has been declared outlaw. Why, and who will find him, and claim the substantial reward? This adventure is linked to Charmic Manor.