All material about Hârn and Hârnmaster found on the HRT web pages is copyright 1995-2006 by N. Robin Crossby and the respective authors. Quotations and graphics taken from Columbia Games publications are used by the kind permission of Columbia Games and N. Robin Crossby. NEWS: The HRT is now (officially) defunct. This page now serves […]
Downloads From The Past
- 64 Foot Dak — the ‘Lorkin’Linked to Friends, Foes, and Followers — Part 6, the 64 foot dak could be used for any sea-borne adventure.
- Bestiary: AquaticsMany additional pages to add to the original CGI beastiary article Aquatics.
- Dramatic ConflictRules for handling non-combat conflict.
- Atlas Keléstia – Trzn-B2 Âlwin publishedKeléstia Productions are pleased to announce the publication of Atlas Keléstia #47. This issue describes map square B2 (Âlwin) on the Emélrenè map. It is our most complex Atlas Keléstia issue yet - the map index is 50 pages long, and includes data for more than 420 entries.
- Will In The WayAn adventure from the Nelafayn Hundred Project.
- Rylen House – CorananThis article details the house of Senator Rylen in Coranan, his mother, and his people. This is a senatorial household on the cusp of change, ripe with possibilities.
- Maps: Keron IslandA fine example of a map done in the topographical style, Keron Island is where Balhafen is located.