All material about Hârn and Hârnmaster found on the HRT web pages is copyright 1995-2006 by N. Robin Crossby and the respective authors. Quotations and graphics taken from Columbia Games publications are used by the kind permission of Columbia Games and N. Robin Crossby. NEWS: The HRT is now (officially) defunct. This page now serves […]
Downloads From The Past
- LerenilLerenil is a major settlement in Chybisa and home to Baron Legith.
- Peonian Crypt – TashalThe Peonian Crypt in Tashal is more than just a hallowed burial for the faithful of the Bringer of Life Renewed. It is a trysting place for illicit lovers, a highway for the Lia-Kavair, and a facility for private meetings. Maybe they should fix the lock …
- UldienA sleepy Kaldoran town ruled by a baron known for his chivalry and honour.
- HârnMaster v3 Expanded IndexAn expanded index for HârnMaster 3rd Edition.
- Friends, Foes & Followers — Part 14Friends, Foes & Followers Part 14 with 9 new characters.
- MaerlithMaerlith is a Peonian sanctuary lies in north-western ranges of Mineous Forest hundred, near the ill-famed Douwa Downs.
- AthelrenAthelren is the seat of the Sheriff of Vemionshire.