Nestled in the embrace of the Jahl Mountains, the inhabitants of Pethwys carve out their living from the only arable land between Leriel and Geldeheim in Orbaal.
Tag: Pethwys
Downloads From The Past
- Lankorian Blackhand FontThis font is made up of vertical and horizontal angular strokes as opposed to the usual round and diagonal strokes of other Lakise scripts; a well-crafted page is impressive—even a little intimidating.
- Bognor’s FollyBognor's knowledge of green and growing things was legendary, as was his pride. It is said he delved too deeply into secrets best left alone.
- Thonahexus 5Isue #5 of Thonahexus, a fanzine dedicated to the world of Hârn.
- Bestiary: AquaticsMany additional pages to add to the original CGI beastiary article Aquatics.
- Eastside ChapelThis one page article describes a small chapel of Peoni dedicated to Maermel, the Lord of Labor.
- Major Knights of KaldorTwo page article containing heraldry of sheriffs, bailiffs and constables of Kaldor.
- Thonahexus 1The premier issue of Thonahexus, a fanzine dedicated to the world of Hârn.