These brilliant short adventure seeds provide any GM with terrific one-off adventures, or the seeds for a full campaign. With just a small amount of tweaking, these 101 plots are perfect for any campaign, not just a Hârn one.
Tag: plots
Downloads From The Past
- GunMaster GoldGunMaster supplements HârnMaster Gold with rules for firearms.
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- Ssanimar Atlas MapAccording to the Ilme, they once lived in a place called Ssanimar, where they were the thralls of the true dragons. This is a highly detailed atlas map of Ssanimar, wherever in Kelestia it may be.
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- AthelrenAthelren is the seat of the Sheriff of Vemionshire.
- Thonahexus 8Issue #8 of Thonahexus, a fanzine dedicated to the world of Hârn.
- Skeletons In PeranThis provides adventure plots for 11 adventures set in and around Peran.