These brilliant short adventure seeds provide any GM with terrific one-off adventures, or the seeds for a full campaign. With just a small amount of tweaking, these 101 plots are perfect for any campaign, not just a Hârn one.
Tag: plots
Downloads From The Past
- TreacheryDisputes among clans are not unknown, but when a druid's golden sickle is stolen, something must be done.
- Thonahexus 1The premier issue of Thonahexus, a fanzine dedicated to the world of Hârn.
- Bifyrd-FeronTwo convention-style adventures. You will need the Bifyrd-Feron article as well.
- Anoth DeltaThe Anoth Delta is a largely uncharted marshy wilderness in northeastern Hârn, where the Anoth River empties into the Sea of Ivae.
- Thonahexus 9Issue #9 of Thonahexus, a fanzine dedicated to the world of Hârn.
- Maiden of DeyaIviniaCon 2003 adventure set in Rethem; can you do all that is needed to save the Maiden of Deya?
- Charmic Manor RestoredMaps of a restored Charmic Manor (qv) after the events detailed in The Bastard Bailiff (qv).