A small collection of articles related to rats.
Tag: rats
Downloads From The Past
- TechenTechen is a major settlement and castle in Rethem.
- Morvrin ErrataA clarification of all things morvrin, the Morgathian undead.
- 101 EncountersThese brilliant short adventure seeds provide any GM with terrific one-off adventures, or the seeds for a full campaign. With just a small amount of tweaking, these 101 plots are perfect for any campaign, not just a Hârn one.
- IversenIversen is located between Abriel Abbey and the royal castle at Olokand in Meselyne shire in Kaldor.
- The Nithra-DanteThere are secret enemies and secret allies; which are the Nithra-Dante?
- Firith TownhouseFirith Townhouse, in the Haldana district of Tashal is the residence of Sir Prehil Firith, recently appointed as an alderman of the city, the so-called "Speaker for the Nobility".
- Gwaed IslandThe island hides an ancient tragedy.