Night People are known by many, understood by few, and widely hated or feared.
Tag: romany
Downloads From The Past
- Maps: Shata IslandMap J10 covering Shata Island in the Gulf of Ederwyn.
- RationsWhat impact do rations have on performance?
- Coranan AdditionsThis expands and adds to the city entries for the second edition Coranan article from CGI.
- People of OchrynnThe permanent population of Ochrynn is currently around 100 people, including the 30 or so members of the Order of the Ochre Womb, as well as the residents of some isolated homesteads to the west.
- SetrewSetrew is home to the ambition Baron Ethasiel, in northern Meselyneshire.
- Tourney EventsThis article provides HârnMaster rules for the tournament events mentioned in the Tournaments (#4721) and Olokand Castle (#5618) articles, available from Columbia Games Inc. by Bill Gant
- NysludNyslud (New Fort) on the southern edge of the Anoth Delta is a seasonal settlement.