What are the advantages of a port controlled by Kaldor that can take ocean-going vessels? There are lots, not least of which is maintaining Tashal’s pre-eminence as the commercial hub of Hârn, and filling the coffers of the Kingdom of Kaldor in the process. We examine the case for a port, and link to the original Port of Kaldor article.
Tag: Salt Route
Downloads From The Past
- Web of the Widow MapsMappa Hârnica versions of Web of the Widow maps.
- Ibonost Keep – KandayA 13 pages write-up of Ibonost Keep in Kanday, this is a new version to bring it into line with the Electronic Atlas of Kanday.
- BalhafenBalhafen, on Keron Island, is an excellent natural harbour that hosted the doomed Ivinan fleet that set out to sack Thay.
- Saint Angryl’s TempleChybisa's only Peonian Church carries the vow of poverty a bit far.
- The Black CompanyThe Black Company is a Golotha-based mercenary Company of Adventure.
- Whyce ChapterhouseWhyce is the primary chapterhouse of the Laranian martial order, The Lady of Paladins.
- EntertainmentPerformers that could be met on the country roads of Hârn.