What are the advantages of a port controlled by Kaldor that can take ocean-going vessels? There are lots, not least of which is maintaining Tashal’s pre-eminence as the commercial hub of Hârn, and filling the coffers of the Kingdom of Kaldor in the process. We examine the case for a port, and link to the original Port of Kaldor article.
Tag: Salt Route
Downloads From The Past
- Caverns of Araka-KalaiThis 22-page article is intended to supplement the official Araka-Kalai article from Columbia Games, more than doubling the number of areas detailed.
- Ilviran Temple — ShiranSimple floorplans & room descriptions.
- HargethThe ruins of Hargeth village stand in silence some leagues to the west of Kathane. Little is known of the true happenings of the place.
- NysludNyslud (New Fort) on the southern edge of the Anoth Delta is a seasonal settlement.
- HârnMaster Equipment RecordThe HârnMaster Equipment Record is a blank Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet with several tabs for players to record what their characters have with them.
- The Legacy GrimoireA beautifully crafted fantasy role-playing supplement for the HârnMaster RPG, The Legacy Grimoire contains 50 pages of spells for all six Shek P'var magic convocations. The spells build on the existing magic rules and provide an expansive addition to any Hârn campaign, with loads of fun and exciting spellcasting opportunities.
- Morvrin ErrataA clarification of all things morvrin, the Morgathian undead.