Codified steps for characters to become Gray Mages.
Tag: shèk-pvâr
Grand Grimoire of the Pvaric Tradition
A 220 page opus containing a personalised version of all HârnMaster spells from all sources.
Spells of Kaelyn Aletta
Four Odivshe spells created by Kaelyn Aletta (see FFF 15) for her advancement to shenava.
Tome of Cantrips
Cantrips are simple Shek-Pvar spells of no great effect, learned and used by apprentices.
Sastaz’s Peleahn Grimoire
The grimoire of Sastaz, a Peleahn Shenava. The spells within display his magical aim; survival.
Summoning Spells
This article contains four neutral spells for the summoning, binding, and control of spirits from Yashain.